The European Data Innovation Hub

What began as a community of like-minded people, with nice meetups around data science and get-together’s, is now taking the form of the European Data Innovation Hub.  Its mission is to be an active actor in the data innovation ecosystem and to support data professionals throughout Belgium and Europe with networking activities, events, training and meeting facilities, learning platforms, co-working space and mentorship. It will foster grassroots community initiatives and take the burden out of realising and organising them. The idea is to set the conditions where people with the right skills and organisations in the right positions can have the option to move forward.

Here are some of the activities of the Hub:

  • To organise data innovation events
  • To provide co-working space for data professionals
  • To support the education and training of the data workforce, from academic to data scientists to managers to data end-users

I’m very happy to be part of this eco-system, participating not only in the trainings in Big Data and Machine Learning, but hopefully opening as many opportunities as I can to women in this domain.